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Ester Vela López

A solid trajectory of more than 20 years as a concert pianist.
Ester Vela, a l'Ateneu Barcelonès



Pianist and composer.  Graduated from the Senior Municipal Conservatory of Music in her native city, Barcelona, in Senior Piano Teaching, Solfège, Theory of Music, Transposition and Accompaniment, and Chamber Music. Was awarded scholarships by the Spanish Ministry of Culture in 1995 and by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Luxembourg Ministry of Culture in 1997 for a course at the Luxembourg Conservatory. From AIE (Artistas, Intérpretes o Ejecutantes) she received grants in 1998, for an international piano course in Loosdorf-Vienna, in 1999 and 2000 to carry out postgraduate studies with the pianist A. Soler, and in 2009, 2010 and 2011 to study at the Taller de Músics. Studied at the Aula de Música Tradicional i Popular (2003-2010).


Won awards in the following contests: piano (6th 'Premi Ciutat de Berga'), composition ('Premis de Caterina Albert Paradís' and 21st 'Premi Ciutat de Reus', the latter for children's choirs) and chamber music (2nd 'Concurs de Música de Cambra de Castellterçol', 4th 'Concurs de L'ARJAU de Barcelona', 9th 'Mostra de la Generalitat').


Formed a piano duo in 1993 with her sister Eulàlia. They have given numerous concerts all over Spain, and in Austria, the Philippines and Belgium, recorded five CDs and premiered many new compositions. Their performances have been recorded for television by the channels BTV, Canal 33, RNE-4, and RNE-2 and for radio by Catalunya Música.

Published a book on the language of music, Materials per a l’accés al grau professional (Ed. Boileau). Researched and edited the works of the composer Narcisa Freixas (1859-1926), which were published in 11 volumes by Ed. Boileau, and recorded a CD of that composer's complete works (La mà de Guido).

As a composer she has written works for voice and piano, piano for four hands, various chamber ensembles, trumpet and piano, oboe and piano, viola and piano, horn and piano, children's choirs, youth orchestras, and others.


She teaches at the Municipal Conservatory of Music in Barcelona.

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